
We're ready to share our experience.

Reduce the cost of CNC machining and manufacturing.

Reducing CNC manufacturing costs is one of the challenges often faced in the manufacturing industry....

What are the benefits of electropolishing machined parts?

The electropolishing step involves placing the metal workpiece in an electrolyte as the anode (positive electrode), while the cathode (negative electrode) is usually made of stainless steel or other c...

How to improve the finish of machined products?

Product surface finish is not only a matter of product appearance, but also one of the key factors related to product quality, performance and customer experience. During the manufacturing process, en...

Why does injection mold need to hand polishing?

Hand-polishing is a crucial step in the injection mold manufacturing process, aimed at enhancing the surface finish and quality of the mold to ensure the final injection-molded products meet specified...