How to improve the finish of machined products?

How to improve the finish of machined products?

Recently, we have received bad feedback from customers about the surface finish of CNC machined products, so we have been actively looking for problems internally and working hard to improve. We deeply studied the experience of our predecessors and took a series of measures to improve the surface finish of our products. During this process, we pay special attention to the calibration of the finish instrument to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. At the same time, we have also carried out timely instrument updates to ensure the use of the most advanced equipment for detection and monitoring.


Besides, we focus on optimizing the process parameters of CNC machining, including cutting speed, feed speed, cutting depth, etc., to ensure that they are within a reasonable range and help improve surface quality. We also use high-quality cutting tools, which are inspected and replaced regularly to reduce the impact of tool wear on surface finish.


In addition, we attach great importance to the selection of cutting fluid and ensure that the cutting fluid suitable for the material and processing process is selected to improve the cutting effect and thereby improve the surface quality. In addition, we have also done a series of work on the maintenance and stability of machine tools to reduce the negative impact of vibration and resonance on the finish.


In actual production, we strictly implement a reasonable process sequence to avoid repeated cutting of the surface in subsequent processes, thereby reducing cutting marks and improving surface quality. Finally, we introduced surface treatment methods such as grinding, polishing and EDM as a means to further improve the finish.


Through this series of comprehensive measures, we are committed to achieving excellent surface finish to meet customer expectations for high-quality products and continue to improve our production levels. Thanks to the team's joint efforts, we look forward to achieving significant improvements in product quality.


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