Injection parts with complex colors have higher requirements on molds

Injection parts with complex colors have higher requirements on molds

As we all know, injection molded products come in a variety of colors on the market, and some of them are made by clever splicing and mixing of multiple colors. This complex color design usually requires multiple injection points in the mold, so mold design is particularly important. While achieving uniform and accurate color mixing, it involves the precise design of special structures such as multi-cavity molds, rotating molds, and moving cores.


Why do complex colors have higher requirements on molds? The main reasons are as follows:


Color separation and mixing: Multi-color or gradient-colored products require molds to effectively separate and mix plastic materials of different colors to achieve the desired color effect. This requires the mold to have precise control systems and structures.


Color Consistency: Complex colors require products to be consistent in color to meet design specifications. This requires molds that can ensure color consistency in each injection cycle and avoid color differences or spots.


Material selection: Different colors of injection molded products usually require the use of different colors of plastic materials. The mold must be able to accommodate these different material properties, including melt temperature, flow properties, etc.


Production efficiency and stability: Complex colors often require more injection steps and operations. Molds must be able to operate in an efficient and stable production environment to ensure production efficiency and product quality.


Overall, complex color requirements place higher technical requirements on the design, manufacturing and operation of injection molds. This can increase the cost and complexity of mold making, but is also a critical factor in ensuring the quality of the final product.

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